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With the advent of modern technology, everything and everyone is digitally connected. An interruption in internet service makes it difficult to keep track of what is happening around us. Due to the increasing number of connected users, outages seem to be occurring more frequently.

Although internet outages are rare, they are inevitable. While your Internet provider may offer excellent service, unexpected problems may arise and disrupt your connection. As a result, you might find yourself stranded in the middle of whatever online activity you were performing.

Choosing an internet provider that can guarantee no outages is unlikely; however, it is advisable to go with a company that maintains top-notch customer service. Only a responsive and efficient support team can keep you calm in otherwise panic-inducing circumstances.

Despite being one of the nation's largest cable and internet service providers, Cox Communications has experienced internet outages on occasion. For whenever you experience internet difficulties as a Cox customer, this elaborate guide will help you determine if there is a network outage, and what steps you should take while your Cox internet service is down.

Cox Internet Outage – What Are the Possible Causes of It?

You may face total or partial interruptions of your Cox internet service due to unexpected circumstances. Listed below are a few of the factors that can cause internet outages:

How to Check if There Is a Cox Internet Outage in My Area?

There are several reasons why your internet may be down, but the most common one is a problem with your home network or equipment. Fortunately, Cox offers a simple way to check if there are any outages in your area.

Here are two ways to find out if there's an outage in your area:

Whatever the case may be, if the internet goes down, you will be notified immediately.

What to Do During a Cox Internet Outage?

The following tips may be helpful during an outage:

What Should You Do When There Is No Outage?

In the event that there is no outage in your area after checking with Cox, there is most likely something wrong on your end.  

The first step to solving this problem is to verify that your modem/router is receiving power. The flashing lights on most home internet equipment indicate that it is working. Switch to a different wall outlet if the power is out to find out if it is the electrical source. There could be a chance that you will have to buy a new modem and/or router if all the other tactics do not affect your severed internet connection.

Upon ensuring that your equipment is powered, you may need to reboot your modem by turning it off for a few seconds and then turning it back on again. Usually, this will fix the issue, and you can resume your online activities immediately.

If that doesn't work, you need to check the location of your gateway. An ideal location would be at least three feet above the ground, in a central area. In case you still can't access the Internet, make sure that everything is in order with your account. Clear any outstanding balances to regain access to the network.

How to Report Cox Internet Outage?

Cox internet outages can be resolved by opening the Cox app or My Account, where Cox will check your services and notify you if anything is wrong. In addition, you can run an automatic scan at any time by pressing the "Help" button in the app.

Cox's unique feature, SmartHelp offers customers 24/7 automated customer support. This service provides answers to multiple customer queries. SmartHelp will guide you through the steps to try and resolve the issue once it is identified. Whenever your service goes down, you can rest assured that the Cox team is already working to get it back up.

In the event that SmartHelp is unable to answer your question, you will be connected to Cox customer service for further assistance.  

Final Note

The internet has become so integral to our lives that we couldn't imagine living without it, which is why nothing is more frustrating than when your internet fails you. Cox offers a wide range of internet plans for every type of customer, from low-speed budget plans to high-speed gigabit plans, so it can meet the needs of every consumer.

However, there may be times when Cox's internet is unavailable due to a storm or power outage. If this happens, don't be alarmed. Just log in to the Cox app or My Account, or call Cox customer service to report the issue. Visit Cox Servicio al Cliente if you're a Spanish user. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to check if there is a Cox Internet outage?

When you need to find out if your Cox internet connection is down, simply open the Cox app or access SmartHelp through My Account, and you'll be able to view any outage alerts. They will appear at the top of your screen.

What should I do if Cox Internet goes down?  

Most Cox outages are on Cox's radar, and they are on top of it. Prior to reporting a Cox outage, you may first check if an outage is occurring in your area by logging into My Account or opening the Cox app. You can then take appropriate steps.

Is there a map of Cox outages that I can view?

Unfortunately, not right now. Instead, you can check if there is an outage in your area by signing in to My Account or opening our mobile app if you're not sure.

Is Cox Communication a good internet service provider?

It has been reported that Cox Internet reviews indicate the service is well worth the cost. In fact, Cox offers several internet plans to fit people's needs. Cox Internet plans are available in a range of price ranges to suit your individual needs and budget.