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Setting up a proper password for your WIFI service is an essential thing to do. It helps you to protect any private and sensitive informative flowing on the network. Additionally, it also secures any data present on your mobile or other locally connected devices. Without a password, your privacy remains at stake that eventually affects the network speed and quality.   

The easiest solution to getting rid of these issues is to set a strong Wi-Fi password. If you are confused about how to change your Windstream Wi-Fi password, this blog covers everything you need to know. So, let’s get started!

Tips to Change Wi-Fi Password

Windstream internet delivers services in Kentucky, Texas, Georgia, and 15 more American states. But its internet services may only be beneficial for you if you know the right way to secure your network. To assist you in this regard, here is a step by step procedure to change your Windstream Wi-Fi passwords based on different router models.

The first step in all cases is to connect your router to your computer via wired or wireless connection. Once you have done this, it is now time to follow the next steps involved in the procedure.

Black and White Wireless Modem – Wireless Connection

  • With your computer connected to your router, switch to a new tab by selecting your favorite internet browser.
  • Type the IP (Internet Protocol):
  • Choose the setup AP option from a new main menu on the left side of the screen.
  • Navigate to the WPA-WAPI Passphrase field and start entering your new password.
  • Once you have set a strong password, click the Apply-Save button to save all your changes.

Black and White Wireless Modems – Wired Connection

  • Open your internet browser and Type the IP (Internet Protocol):
  • In the user name and password credential box, simply input admin.
  • From the top menu, select the Wireless Settings from the Home Network option.
  • Choose the Wireless Security option and in the Use Costume Passphrase component, enter your new password.
  • Once you are sure of your password, click save to end the procedure.

F@st 1704N Model Router

  • Open your internet browser and Type the IP (Internet Protocol):
  • In the user name and password credential box, simply input admin.
  • From the left menu, select the Wireless option and then click on Basic.
  • Finally, choose the Security option
  • Choose the WPA2-PSK option and in the WPA-WAPI Passphrase field, start entering your new password.
  • Once you have set a strong password, click the Apply-Save button to save all your changes.

Sagem 1704N, 4320, 2705, and Corresponding Router models

  • With your computer connected to your router, switch to a new tab by selecting your favorite internet browser.
  • Type the IP (Internet Protocol):
  • In the user name and password credential box, simply input admin. If you have a 2705 model router, then enter credentials mentioned in its user manual as well as on the device.
  • From the left menu, select the Wireless option and then click on Security.
  • From the Network Authentication component, choose the WPA2-PSK option
  • In the Pre-Shared Key field, start entering your new password.
  • Once you have set a strong password, click the Apply-Save button to save all your changes.

ActionTec T3200 Model Router

  • With your computer connected to your router, switch to a new tab by selecting Mozilla, Edge, Chrome, or any of your favorite internet browser.
  • Type the IP (Internet Protocol):
  • In the user name credential box, simply input admin. Similarly, enter password credentials mentioned on the backside of the device.
  • From the top, choose the Wireless setup option.
  • Then, select your WIFI band: 5 GHz or 2.4 GHz
  • Select WPA2 as your preferred encryption type for your password.
  • In the Custom Key-Passphrase, start entering your new password
  • Once you are sure of your password, click apply to save and end the procedure.

Bottom Line

We sincerely hope that one of our tips to change the Windstream Wi-Fi password is relevant to your router, and with the assistance of useful information shared in this blog, you can secure your home internet connection.

For any questions, grab your phone and call Windstream customer service at 1-855-349-9312 to get expert advice and assistance. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it possible to get the Windstream Internet without phone service?

Yes, you can buy Windstream plans for the internet only.

How can I access the router if I forgot my credentials?

Sometimes people change their credentials and forget them later. This makes it difficult to access the router. A simple solution is to press the Reset button present on your router device for a few seconds to reset the device to default settings.

Oliver Jack

Oliver Jack is an avid writer with a passion for all things tech. His writing focuses on technology, home security, and internet provider comparisons. Oliver routinely writes on Spectrum, Windstream, & MetroNet and his reviews and how-to guides have helped many of our readers select the perfect internet service for their home internet needs. When he is not writing, Oliver enjoys exploring new gadgets and learning about the latest advancements in the tech industry.